WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR DECISION Title: RATIFICATION OF MATTERS FOR DECISION PRESENTED TO PREVIOUS FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Prepared by: Denby Pettitt, Finance Manager Purpose To summarise, and formally approve, matters for decision that the Committee were unable to approve at the October 20 meeting as there wasn’t a quorum. Recommendations That the Committee consider and formally approve the following Matters for Decision previously presented to the October 20 meeting: Paper 1 Outturn for the six months to September 2006 i. note the draft outturn for the six months to September 30, 2006; ii. note the outcome of the Q2 Operational Plan review and consider any remedial action that needs to be taken; and iii. approve the latest forecast shown in Annex 1. Paper 2 Ratification of expenditure iv. the expenditure detailed in para. 1 in respect of pre-arrival signage; and v. the expenditure detailed in para. 5 in respect of the Cairngorms LBAP project. AOCB Approval of Expenditure Justification Form for the Farm Business Viability Project: Planning to Succeed and Cairngorms Monitor Farm vi. approval of £46,000 over three years. RATIFICATION OF MATTERS FOR DECISION PRESENTED TO PREVIOUS FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR DECISION 1. The quorum required at Finance Committee meetings is three Committee members. At the October 20 meeting only two members were able to attend and, although the previously circulated papers were presented to the meeting, no decision could be taken. 2. Recommendations in Papers for Decision that were presented to the October 20 meeting were: Paper 1 Outturn for the six months to September 2006 i. note the draft outturn for the six months to September 30, 2006; and ii. note the outcome of the Q2 Operational Plan review and consider any remedial action that needs to be taken; and iii. approve the latest forecast shown in Annex 1. Paper 2 Ratification of expenditure iv. the expenditure detailed in para. 1 in respect of pre-arrival signage; and v. the expenditure detailed in para. 5 in respect of the Cairngorms LBAP project. 3. At the October 20 meeting an EJF was presented under AOCB which requested approval of £46,000 to be spent over three years on two projects that would assist in meeting the Integrated Land Management objectives included in the draft National Park Plan. 4. A further meeting, outwith the normal quarterly meetings, was also held (November 3) in order to receive additional information in respect of the Farm Viability Project. DENBY PETTITT 21 November 2006 denbypettitt@cairngorms.co.uk